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What is GutenType?

What is GutenType?

What is GutenType?

What is GutenType?

What is GutenType?
Jan 31, 2021 – Awjin Ahn

Typography was solved centuries ago by print publishers, who created rules for font size, line height, etc. to improve the readability of text.

GutenType is a Sass library that translates those rules into CSS. You configure it with values (like a base font size), and it generates correct typographic styles for you. With minimal effort, GutenType makes your HTML read more like print.

@use 'guten-type';

article {
  @include guten-type.set(
    $font-size: 20px,
    $line-height: 1.5,

GutenType ships with sensible default values. This website uses those defaults, with just a few added styles.


GutenType properly styles all HTML elements that can be rendered from Markdown.

Sad boi
For example, this is what an image looks like.

By default, it uses a modern font stack:

Serif Iowan Old Style, Palatino Linotype, URW Palladio L, P052, serif
Sans Inter, Roboto, Helvetica Neue, Arial Nova, Nimbus Sans, Arial, sans-serif
Mono ui-monospace, Cascadia Code, Source Code Pro, Menlo, Consolas, DejaVu Sans Mono, monospace

Final thoughts